SEO analysis is a methodology to rate the performance of a website with respect to its visibility and accessibility on the web through targeted keywords on search engines.
WebHugh can boast to have a pool of analysts and engineers with unmatched professional credentials to take up the SEO challenge. These specialists do an in-depth study of the website and its various elements that include the website structure, loading efficiency, meta-tags, page contents, navigational structure, URL optimization, HTML, XML, Sitemaps, image optimization, user friendliness, search engine sensitivity, etc. The WebHugh team also conducts a detailed study to generate a report which can highlight any barrier or hindrance for search engine optimization. The ultimate aim of the task is to identify the necessary changes to improve visibility and to remove any website indexing barriers. Also, we take some key steps to improve certain elements of the client’s website architecture and design, thereby enabling the website to get indexed and increase the likelihood of a higher rank online. Finally, do approach us for a free website analysis and SEO review.